Initial Unaudited Preliminary Financials for the year ended on 31 Dec 2022


Initial Unaudited Preliminary Financials for the year ended on 31 Dec 2022

Initial Unaudited Preliminary Financials for the Period ended on 31 Dec 2022

Amount in OMR` Actuals (R.O)

Particular 31/12/2022 31/12/2021 Change %
Total Revenue 450,236 345,216 30
Realized Gain (Loss) - Listed Inv. (13,023) -  
Change in value of investment properties - (10,000)  
Total Expenses (450,275) (384,046) 17
Profit (Loss) (13,062) (48,830) (73)
Shareholders` Equity 3,107,635 3,121,149 (0.4)
Net Asset Per Share (RO) 0.155 0.156 (1)

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